Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still making progress, but some setback

I wish recovery could be just better day by day, but it isn't so. Some days my leg is killing me other days I don't need the cane; some days my back screems, other days no; and I have the same problem mentally: some days everything seems to be moving up, and others I despair of ever getting back to where I once was.

I think I have another UTI (Urinary Tract Infection,) which was the bane of my existence in June and July. It doesn't feel serious, but I keep forgetting to call Dr. Mike about it...I am forgetting lots of things lsately, but no more than most 58 year-olds. I'll call tomorrow.

I'm keeping todo lists, but misplace them, so I'm now putting them into the Palm T5 which helps.

I'm taking a painting class, and having the same trouble with painting a face that I had 30 years ago...some things never change.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

And Recovery continues...

I've now gotten to the point in recovering where I'm no longer stuck in bed (thank the Lord). I've signed up for a painting class... which is basically therapy for me... I haven't painted anything for about 30 years, instead I got involved with photography, which remains my first love... especially now with digital. I'm also investigating making short videos and splicing them together on the computer. I'd love to have a Video of Los Martincitos to play to groups for donations.

So too am I going to start again at my Knitting group... I need to make a baby blanket for my friends Charro and Edgar who are expecting in November. I want to go back to Tai Chi as well, but that is still months of recovering away.

Mentally I'm feeling much better as well. Part of that is that I'm now able to do things other than read or watch TV; the other part of that is the medication for depression that I take. It takes a few weeks to start working, so it hasn't really had time, but it is beginning to correct my chemical imbalance.

All in all things are moving in the proper direction, and I'm really pleased. One of the biggest problems that I had around here was that all my friends lived everywhere but Massachusetts, so I had no one to pal around with. Another problem was and is that most of my friends are still working, leaving no one during the daytime. Taking the painting class won't change that, since it is at night, just as the Tai Chi class is, but the knitters meet during the day, and some of the painters work locally in Norwood center (I can come by and visit, and/or have lunch buddies).

I think of how much work I put into creating a support group in Peru, I just forgot that going on Disability Retirement was going to change my support group here. So now I'm working to find people here locally...That keeps me ON the streets, and not depressed in my bedroom.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Many Thanks go to Dr. Don Rosenberg and his staff, including his wife Patty (middle back) and Jannine (front). With their help, I have been able to collect samples of medications that can be given to the abuletos.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Pamela Jay-Paralikis

Update for June and July

To all my good friends who kept emailing me asking where I was:

(castellano debajo)

As you are all aware, I broke my leg in March (right femur), had it reset in April, developed Pneumonia in May, returned to Boston on June 1, where an exciting, antibiotic resistant strain of e-coli was found in a blood culture. So here’s what happened after:

I went on oral antibiotics for 14 days at the end of which time, Stan had to take me to the nearest emergency room (Norwood Hospital), where they thought I was having either tachycardia or failure, they didn’t know, so they transported me to Boston Medical Center where I remained for 9 days while they gave me every kind of nasty test imaginable. They also took me off all but 3 of my medications, thinking they may have been the cause (I’ve been successfully functioning for 10 years on those medications, and it turned out that they aren’t the cause… I just have one more thing wrong). They only found that the “QT “rhythm in my heart beat was long. It’s a syndrome that might cause tachycardia, but they couldn’t recreate it in an electronics lab. So I came home.

When I came home I had what seemed to be a head cold. It worsened steadily with bad muscle aches, bone or joint pain, and a fierce (level 9s) headache, so back to an ER (this time where my doctors are, Newton-Wellesley). It was a cold, I guess, but it was made far stronger by the infection which had not responded to the antibiotic. They gave me pain killers, and an IV antibiotic that we believed would work. After 5 days there, I was released and sent home with a semi permanent IV line (called a PICC Line) and was to continue the antibiotics at home for 21 more days.

At home I had great difficulty fending for myself, I was either blacking out, or falling asleep or something, and I messed up the PICC line, which put me back in the hospital to have one out and put a new one in… actually I screwed it up twice due to inattentiveness, so I finally had the IVs at the hospital for the last few days of it, and I stayed at home.

One of the days that was most horrible during that time was when I called my MD because the IV wouldn’t work. He told me there was a danger of blood clots, and that if I moved it could release a clot into my heart. He told me not to move and call 911. Scared the H--- out of me, and was made worse because my cell phone went dead, and the other phone was some distance away, I waited 5 hours for Stan to come home because I was terrified of dislodging a possible blood clot. My MD had been a bit dramatic, I really didn’t need an ambulance, and I could have gotten to the other phone, but I didn’t know that!

Next I had a pain in my side, which was intense. After thinking I had Shingles, they did exploratory surgery, because they saw shadows on a CT scan. They did remove two extra splenules (baby spleens). They wanted to do it laproscoptically, but were unable because of my prior surgeries, so I now have a 5 inch scar on top of a larger scar. I did inquire if I could leave one staple in so I would have a pierced belly button, but the surgeon thought I was joking (I was!). And so I went home again,

By the time I had gone through all this, I lay at home thinking wonderful thoughts about heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, cancer, loneliness, death, and how difficult it had become just to get out of bed, get dressed and get breakfast.

Those of you, who have ever suffered any kind of depression, understand when I say I had no hope for things to get better, and I was also scared out of my wits by possible heart disease, and/or cancer. I sat and ruminated in pain from the surgery for a few days and then I freaked out, thinking I was having a heart attack. Once again I went to the ER in Norwood by ambulance, where they monitored me for a day and then sent me home, because nothing was wrong.

By the way, this was about three weeks after I was taken off all of the medications that I took for joint and muscle pain, diabetes, spasms in my back, inability to sleep, and to correct the chemical imbalance in my mind.

Given all of the above, I broke down, freaked out, went crazy, whatever you want to call it, so I checked into the hospital once more, and spent three productive days on the Psych ward, “One Flu Over the CooCoo’s Nest” was alive and well in the Psychiatric Ward at Newton-Wellesley. In fact I could probably write a sequel with just what happened in those three days. And then I came home again… hopefully for a much longer while.

Now I’m going to an outpatient group program, and will end that this week or next, and I will be meeting with a therapist and a Psychiatrist, so we can get the medication situation straightened out, and get to the bottom of the depression thing (which is life long for me).

To tell the truth, I think I would have been insane if I hadn’t reacted to all the medical stuff going on, remember I was on two crutches until a week ago.

Now I have my trusty cane, and feel really confident that I’m getting back some of my energy. When we get the chemical imbalances (like the diabetes, fibromyalgia, GERD, BOOP and depression) controlled, I’m certain that I will get; not to back where I was, but to someplace better. Day by day, Poco a Poco.

My sincere thanks, big hugs, and many kisses to all of you; even though I wasn’t too interested in email or my computer or much of anything else, your emails (Which Stan let me know about) and prayers really helped support me during what I consider to be the most difficult time (so far) of my life.

I’m now back to trying to get some “work” done on Adopt a Grandparent, and getting reimbursed by my insurer for the Peru bills (that’s a full time job by itself). I’ll be on the computer after 4:00 pm this week and more after that, so if you have a chat program, I can be found at Yahoo! Under “paralipa” and the same at MSN (or if they need the e-mail, Yahoo: MSN: I also have a program you can get at that has free software so you can call a computer or a regular phone number. To call to another computer, anywhere in the world is FREE.

Well if you have read down this far, you are one of the people who ask me what they can do to help: What I really need is more contact with people, be it in person, on the phone or through chat or email. Please write to me of call my cell ( 1 7821 762 9353),

Thanks in advance.

A todos mis amigos buenos que siguieron enviándome por correo electrónico preguntando donde yo era:

Cuando usted es todos consciente, rompí mi pierna en marzo (fémur derecho), hacía que ello hiciera en abril, Pulmonía desarrollada en mayo, devuelto a Boston el 1 de junio, donde una excitación, el antibiótico resistente la tensión de e-coli fue encontrado en una cultura de sangre. Así aquí está lo que pasó después:

Continué antibióticos orales durante 14 días al final de cual tiempo, Stan tuvo que tomarme al cuarto de emergencia más cercano (Hospital de Norwood), donde ellos pensaron que yo tenía tachycardia o el fracaso, ellos no sabían, entonces ellos me transportaron a Boston Centro Médico donde permanecí durante 9 días mientras ellos me dieron cada clase de la prueba repugnante imaginable. Ellos también me tomaron de todos excepto 3 de mis medicaciones, pensando que ellos pueden haber sido la causa (he estado funcionando con éxito durante 10 años en aquellas medicaciones, y se resultó que ellos no son la causa … sólo tengo uno más cosa incorrecta). Ellos sólo encontraron que el ritmo "QT" en mi latido de corazón era largo. Esto es un síndrome que podría causar tachycardia, pero ellos no podían recrearlo en un laboratorio de electrónica. Entonces vine a casa.

Cuando vine a casa yo tenía lo que pareció ser un resfriado de cabeza. Esto se empeoró constantemente con dolores de músculo malos, hueso o dolor conjunto, y un feroz dolor de cabeza, tan atrás a un ER (esta vez donde mis doctores son, Newton-Wellesley). Esto era un frío, adivino, pero fue hecho mucho más fuerte por la infección que no había respondido al antibiótico. Ellos me dieron duelen a asesinos, y un IV antibiótico que creímos trabajaría. Después de 5 días allí, yo fui liberado y enviado a casa con un permanente semi IV línea (llamó una Línea PICC) y debía seguir los antibióticos en casa durante más 21 días.

En casa yo tenía la gran defensa de dificultad para mí, yo me desmayaba o, o me dormía o algo, y estropeé la línea PICC, que me aplazan en el hospital para tener el que y poner un nuevo
porque los IV no trabajarían. Él me dijo que había un peligro de coágulos de sangre, y que si yo me moviera esto podría liberar un coágulo en mi corazón. Él me dijo no moverme y llamar 911. Asustado el Ifierno de mí, y fue hecho peor porque mi teléfono celular fue muerto, y el otro teléfono estaba alguna distancia lejos, esperé 5 horas a Stan para venir a casa porque fui aterrorizado de desalojar un coágulo de sangre posible. ¡Mi MD había sido un poco dramático, realmente no necesité una ambulancia, y yo podría haberme puesto al otro teléfono, pero yo no sabía esto!
incapaz debido a mis cirugías previas, entonces ahora tengo una cicatriz de 5 pulgadas encima de una cicatriz más grande. Pregunté realmente si yo podría dejar una grapa en entonces yo tendría un ombligo perforado, pero el pensamiento de cirujano yo bromeaba. ¡Pregunté realmente si yo podría dejar una grapa en entonces yo tendría un ombligo perforado, pero el pensamiento de cirujano yo bromeaba (yo era!). Y entonces me fui a casa otra vez.

Cuando yo había pasado por todo esto, pongo maravillosos pensamientos en casa pensadores sobre enfermedad cardíaca, diabetes, enfermedad pulmonar, insomnio, problemas gastrointestinales, cáncer, soledad, muerte, y como difícil se había hecho sólo para salir de la cama, se viste y consigue el desayuno.

Aquellos de ustedes, que han sufrido alguna vez cualquier clase de la depresión, entienden cuando digo que yo no tenía ninguna esperanza para cosas de mejorarme, y también fui asustado de mis ingenios por enfermedad Considerando todos los susodichos, me estropeé, alucinado, fue loco, independientemente de usted quiere llamarlo, entonces comprobé en el hospital una vez más, y gasté tres días productivos para la sala Psych, “Una Gripe Sobre la Jerarquía de CooCoo” estaba viva y bien en la Sala Psiquiátrica en Newton-Wellesley. De hecho yo podría escribir probablemente una secuela con sólo lo que pasó en aquellos tres días. Y luego vine a casa otra vez …

con esperanza para un mucho más largo mientras. cardíaca posible, y/o cáncer. Me senté y rumié en el dolor de la cirugía durante unos días y luego aluciné, pensando que yo tenía un ataque cardíaco. Otra vez fui al ER en Norwood por la ambulancia, donde ellos me supervisaron durante un día y luego me enviaron a casa, porque nada se equivocó.

A propósito, este era aproximadamente tres semanas después de que fui tomado de todas las medicaciones que tomé para unión y dolor de músculo, diabetes, espasmos en mi espalda, inhabilidad de dormir, y corregir el desequilibrio químico en mi mente.

De hecho yo podría escribir probablemente una secuela con sólo lo que pasó en aquellos tres días. Y luego vine a casa otra vez … con esperanza para un mucho más largo mientras.

Ahora voy a un programa de grupo de consulta externa, y terminaré esto esta semana o después, y me encontraré con un terapeuta y un Psiquiatra, entonces nosotros podemos arreglar la situación de medicación, y ponernos al fondo de la cosa de depresión (que es la vida mucho tiempo para mí).

Para decir a la verdad, pienso que yo habría sido insano si yo no hubiera reaccionado a toda la materia médica que continúa, recuerde que yo estaba en dos muletas hasta hace una semana.

Ahora tengo mi caña fiel, y me siento realmente confidente que recupero un poco de mi energía. Cuando conseguimos los desequilibrios químicos (como la diabetes, fibromyalgia, GERD, BOOP y depresión) controlado, estoy seguro que conseguiré; no a la espalda donde yo era, pero a someplace mejor. De día en día, Poco un Poco.

Mis gracias sinceras, abrazos grandes, y muchos besos a todos ustedes; aunque yo fuera no también interesado en el correo electrónico o mi computadora o la mayor parte de algo más, sus correos electrónicos (sobre Que Stan me avisa) y rezos realmente ayudaron a apoyarme durante lo que considero para ser el tiempo más difícil (hasta ahora) de mi vida.

Estoy de vuelta ahora al tratar de ponerme un poco de "trabajo" hecho en Adoptan a un Abuelo, y ser reembolsado por mi asegurador para las cuentas de Perú (esto es un trabajo a tiempo completo por sí mismo). ¡Estaré en la computadora después de las 16h00 esta semana y más después de esto, tan si usted tiene un programa de charla, puedo ser encontrado en Yahoo! Bajo “paralipa” y el mismo en MSN (o si ellos necesitan el correo electrónico, Yahoo: MSN: También tengo un programa usted puede llegar a que tiene el software libre entonces usted puede llamar una computadora o un número de teléfono regular. Llamar a otra computadora, en cualquier parte del mundo es GRATIS.

Bien si usted ha leído abajo este lejos, usted es una de la gente que me pregunta lo que ellos pueden hacer para ayudar: Lo que realmente necesito es más contacto con la gente, ser ello en la persona, en el teléfono o por charla o correo electrónico. Por favor escríbame de la llamada mi célula (1 7821 762 9353),

Gracias de antemano.