Sunday, January 14, 2007

From October to Now

Much has happened since my last entry... I had the operation on my right leg, and the Doctor made one mistake... based on my mentioning that I regularly took Vicodin, he doubled the amounts of morphine and Oxycontin. The orders got mixed up, and the nurses also cut the time of medication in half. I was getting a double dose in half the time. Of course I went into a coma as I had in July. a week later, when they stopped the meds, I was OK, but as the doctor said: "we almost lost you". Believe me, it won't happen again!

So, anyway, I had to detox, which was a lot of fun for three days, and now am narcotic free, awaiting the next operation. It's necessary because the left leg isn't healing as it should. It will happen in about ten weeks, which gives the right leg time to heal (it is healing, yeah!). I'll be able to take normal doses of painkillers.

Of course that's not all I have going on in my life. Granted I watch a lot of the Discover, Science and History channels on TV, and reading lots of Mystery novels, and trying to read a new genre... Alternate History. I work on my laptop from bed, I try to get into my office to work on Adopt a Grandparent, and other stuff, but it's much harder on my legs. I get out of the bedroom, and get dressed every day, and my PT is now based on improving the muscles in both legs so I'll recover walking ability as soon as I can.

Oh, and the most important thing: Stan and I gave each other two Siamese Kittens for Christmas. We picked up Yin (female) and Yang (male) on Christmas day.Yin is the top one, Yang below. They are now entering their 13Th week, and are developing personalities. They are training us well. I'm convinced that my blood pressure is down because Yang always sits on my lap. Yin favors Stan...she knows who feeds her. She goes up against his leg, and flops over on her back so Stan can scratch her belly. She has him trained, and Yang has me trained to pet him while he's in my lap.
As you might be able to see, I also bowed to pressure from Stan I colored my hair. After three months I still can't get used to it, and will be going throughout the months needed to grow my own hair out. It's something to do while waiting for, having, and recuperating from the next surgery.