Friday, August 11, 2006

What I was told happened, and what I remember happening:

It's pretty difficult for me to remember what was happening just before I got very sick. In fact, I don't remember the day before or the day before that. For me it all began three weeks later.

I'm told that Stan found me non-responsive the morning of the 8th of July, and rushed me to the ER which is right around our corner). They put me in a regular room. His first confrontation was with my primary care Doc, when Stan insisted I be in ICU. Stan was right because I'm told that many of my systems began to fail: Kidneys, congestive heart, suspected pnumomia...etc. I was intubated and put on a ventilatior. I must not have liked it because they say I pulled the tube out. They re-inserted it, tied me down, and knocked me out.

There is some question whether or not I was in a coma, or just knocked out with drugs.Whichever it was, I had the weiredest dreams!

Two to 3 weeks later, the tube came out, and I woke up. They then moved me to CCU. I had a great deal of difficulty eating without getting sick. That continued for a week. I was two weak to walk by this point.Thinking that I would regain my strenght in a rehab center rather than at home, I went to the rehab center about 40 minutes drive from my home.

It was, for me, a very big mistate. I had even a harder time eating (to the point of dry heaves), and couldn't participate in the PT and OT program, which I absolutely detested.After a week of that, I got out of there, and arranged for PT at home.

Stan's good cooking, being at home, and doing PT at home is working out much better. I now play a dailiy medication game, trying to keep my blood sugar in range (yes, they put me back on Prednisone) and trying to keep my blood pressure down (or sometimes up). In between, I'm still trying to read, Knit, paint my Martincitos portraits, and actually try to get to a more normative life. I'll get there, it will just take longer than I want...

oh, and I still need to have the marrow graft and new rod put in my leg...oh well, stay tuned.

Please write to me or answer on the blog if you was more info, or just to chat.

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